🌟 Grote aankondiging! 🌟
Met trots delen we mede datMiggy en KPNhun samenwerking verder hebben uitgebreid! 🎉
Via IRMA (het bestelsysteem van KPN) krijgen de 1800 KPN Business Partners direct toegang tot Miggy’s diensten, producten en oplossingen. In samenwerking met KPN bieden wij de ondersteuning die business partners nodig hebben om IoT succesvol aan hun klanten te verkopen.

With enthusiasm and remarkable success, Miggy once again participated in the KPN Vision expo this year, where we met both existing and new partners. During the event, we proudly presented all our innovative solutions. Remarkable news is that KPN has announced that Miggy is the first party to be integrated into their new platform. This means that resellers can now directly purchase KPN IoT solutions through Miggy. An exciting development that provides our customers with even more access to state-of-the-art technologies.
Promo 'Smartfarming'
In an increasingly digital world, the possibilities sometimes seem endless. Especially when IT is not your expertise. Where do you start? And what will it ultimately yield? To answer all your questions, LTO Ledenvoordeel and KPN are organizing the webinar 'Smartfarming with KPN Internet of Things', featuring Miggy as a guest to discuss our ready-made solutions.
More info here:LTO Ledenvoordeel

We have been working hard, and our IoT sensors have covered almost the entire country, making it smarter, greener, and more connected than ever before.
We have a few spots left to fill, and we could use all the help we can get.
Let's connect and collaborate!
During KPN Vision, we had an enriching conversation with Andre Blignaut, Managing Director EU of Digital Matter. Andre shared insights into current trends in the Track and Trace market and emphasized the crucial role his company continues to play in this dynamic sector.

With great gratitude, we share the wonderful news that Miggy has been featured in an article by KPN as a start-up to follow in 2024. This recognition is not only a tribute to the hard work of our dedicated team but also to the invaluable support from our customers and partners. Thanks to KPN for this special mention and to everyone who has helped us reach this point. We feel honored and motivated to continue our pursuit of innovation and look forward to the exciting journey ahead.
Read the full article here (Dutch only):
Deze 5 startups en scale-ups moet je in 2024 in de gaten houden (
In this video clip, we demonstrate how our customers can detect the phenomenon of 'Vortex Shedding' on masts using our self-developed sensors from Miggy.